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페이지 정보

작성자 Alonzo Ramsey
작성일 23-12-29 00:54


South Korean government wants to stop dog farming. Farmers are not happy. They say that keeping dogs for meat is the same as keeping cows or pigs for как работает FixedFloat meat.

Stopping this would hurt farmers and people who eat meat. But things are changing. Many South Koreans do not like eating dog meat anymore. Some people in South Korea are Budhists. They do not want to eat any animals.

More South Koreans care about animals now. They do not agree with big animal farms. It is not an easy situation for the government. People on both sides feel strongly about this issue.

Difficult words: dog farming (raising dogs on farms for food), issue (an important topic or problem).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.


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